Friday, January 25, 2008

3 day weekend and a Review?

Well, for some reason our school has declared Monday to be a holiday! I haven't the foggiest, but as long as they give us some free time, I'm all for it. Unfortunately though, I'll probably end up spending Monday reading for the quiz on Tuesday (devious bastards!). But, since I'm still in a euphoric mood, I'll think about starting the manga reviews that I've put off for one reason or another. I've accumulated quite a collection through the years, as the pics below will undoubtedly point out:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The magic number! I'm slowly inching my way to 1000 kills in Team Fortress 2. As of today, I have 885 confirmed kills. Woot!

Monday, January 21, 2008

A new mouse!

Well, I finally got a new mouse 2 days ago, a brand-spankin' new Logitech G5. My trusty old Logitech Mouseman Optical finally gave up the ghost after 9 (!) long years of faithful service, enduring countless hours of "work" and play. This new mouse is pretty slick! For those of you aware about it, yes, I did try filling it up with the included weights ;-) Movement is pretty slick too, what with the polytetrafluoroethylene (whew!) feet, though there was a slight learning curve associated with it. Playing around with the DPI settings is also pretty fun, another little distraction while waiting for pages, etc. to load. I just hope this lasts as long as the last one!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Flickr of Inspiration

Well, I haven't the foggiest, but I've signed up for a Flickr account, and am uploading my first photos as I type this. I guess the combination of a "new" ;-p digicam, a 3G phone with "Flickr" on the box and the fact that I've started making a blog have somehow pushed me to try out these online photo-sharing services. Why Flickr? Well, I guess Multiply just grabs me the wrong way. I just want a simple online album to put pics that I think are interesting enough to share with the rest of the world. Now, as to whether anyone would actually view them is another story... Check back in a month or two, ha.

Friday, January 11, 2008

On a rainy Saturday morning

I just felt like trying to take some pics in our house's backyard this cold January morning, so I took out my shiny "new" digicam and started snapping away. Results may vary. :-)

Monday, January 7, 2008

At it again...

Jeez, I just had 3 exams today, yet 3rd shifting exams are already starting on Thursday. Exams, quizzes, long tests. The life of a med student. Wheee.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Tonight's Dinner is...

... some form of tasty white pasta. I really have no idea what this dish is called, but it has mushrooms and chicken combined with a thick white sauce that oozes creaminess at the mere touch of the tongue. It's just one of those recipes that yaya's been cooking all these years. I guess I just got the urge to try taking a picture of it with my sorta-new (passed down from my tita) sony compact cam (a W-50 model) in macro mode. Ja, mata ne!

Friday, January 4, 2008

A While Back...

These photos are actually pretty old. I think I took them in the summer of '07. I like these two in particular! This bird built the nest and laid her eggs in a bush in our backyard, and I'd occasionally peek into the nest and take pics every now and then! I just think it's so amazing that those eggs could turn into these little birdies! Haha. Forgive the mindless rambling. :-)

My 1st official entry

Well, I never thought I'd actually try it, but here I am typing my very 1st blog entry. Will I continue posting? Only time will tell. Jeez, this feels stupid.